September 5, 2011
Let’s go fly a kite!
Have we ever had a Labor Day holiday with such perfect weather? Not in my recent memory, at least. This morning David and Anna walked the dogs around the neighborhood (in shifts) and ended up at the home of some friends in our community group. They mentioned that they were going to the park to fly a kite with another family in our group, and since we had planned on going to the park later anyway, we just met up with them. While the men put their brains to work figuring out how to assemble the kite, the kiddos played on the playground (and Sarah ate her lunch). Then we went out into the big field once the guys were ready with the kite. It was a wonderful day for it!
Doing something technical I’m sure:
The cheering section:
June 18, 2011
River Market Fountain
We had a few errands to run in Little Rock today, so we decided to find something fun (and preferably free) to do as well. Thanks to Sue at The Joyful Chaos, I read about the great things to do at Riverfront Park, including the water feature you can play in! I think Anna was a little unsure at first, but she quickly grew to love it! We stayed about an hour. And for those of us not getting wet, it was actually pretty nice in the shade, especially when the wind blew the mist over.
March 23, 2011
Happy Birthday, Anna!
First 3-year-old outing: The Wonder Place
Today was Anna’s 3rd birthday! David took off and we went down to The Wonder Place in Little Rock. (I had been there once before with Anna, but it had been a while.) She had a blast! I think she liked the tree house thing the best, climbing up and down the stairs. We don’t have stairs at our house, so I guess it’s a novelty. :) But she also went shopping, played in the sand and water, and lots of other things.
February 9, 2011
The Great Snow of 2011
This year, we were prepared with proper snowsuit and boots! Our friend Emily, who has outfitted Anna with numerous bags of clothes after her 3 girls have finished with them, gave us the snowsuit. My mom got Anna the boots yesterday at Wal-Mart. Yeah, with everyone else who was buying milk and bread. I hope it wasn’t too crazy. :)
January 19, 2011
Sarah is interacting more and more each day with us and with the world around her. I’ve been reading her the occasional book ever since she was born, but of couse she didn’t really look at them… until lately. Now she has her attention on the book as we read to her. It’s pretty cool, and I try to make sure she gets read to every day. Anna loves to help too!
October 25, 2010
Daddy’s turn
October 18, 2010
First Outing—4 days old!
This past weekend, my brother and his family came in to meet Sarah. Saturday was a beautiful day so we decided to spend some time at the park so the bigger girls could play. Sarah pretty much sat there in her stroller and slept. :)
The photogenic Kendall, always ready with a grin:
Big sister Addie (Addie and Anna are finally getting old enough to play together some!):
October 2, 2010
Final(?) family outing, with just the 3 of us
On Friday, we decided to squeeze in one more zoo trip before the baby comes. I guess I shouldn’t say just the 3 of us, because when I told Anna we were going to the zoo, she said that baby sister would be coming too… well, yes, technically that’s correct!
It was a beautiful day and not very crowded. Anna was such a sweetie, did great the whole time, and seemed to enjoy it. After the zoo, we went out to lunch at Moe’s—one of our favorite places and a place for which we happened to have coupons for free stuff. :)
I’m so glad to have a zoo membership because we don’t feel pressured to see everything every time. We can just stay as long as we want and then leave. I hope they do 1/2 price memberships again for next year!
A chimp kiss… isn’t it cute?
We finally used our carousel tickets that came with the membership. Anna loved it! It was her first carousel ride.