Well, just like that, Anna is done with her crib. I know, most kids her age have long since switched to a bed, but Anna liked her crib, slept well in it, and never tried to climb out of it (although she certainly could have if it had occurred to her). Why mess with what works? Well, it stopped working. We’ve had a heck of a time getting her in bed lately, dealing with melt-downs and crying fits until 11, 11:30, or even past midnight. Couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Night before last, about midnight, David managed to get something out of her indicating she didn’t like it dark. Ok, no problem, we’ll leave your lamp on. (And why didn’t you say something about this a month ago? Or even 3 hours ago, for that matter? Hmph.) Last night, she didn’t even want to get in her crib. She didn’t like her crib, but couldn’t tell us why. Who can explain the whims of a (nearly) 3-year-old? So she slept on a blanket on the floor. (She didn’t even want to sleep on the crib mattress on the floor.) So, we decided, NOW is the time for the bed switch. Today.

I was skeptical whether she would actually take a nap in it, but she did. I went in and woke her up a little after 6:00, and she was hard asleep. I guess she’s a little sleep-deprived! So far she’s doing ok tonight.
March 05th 2011 Posted to