October 24, 2010
Sarah’s first Sunday at church
We ventured out to church today with not-quite-2-week-old Sarah. It was great to see friends and get back into the swing of things a little bit. We got there a little early, knowing it would take several minutes to make it through the atrium and into the sanctuary with a new baby. :) Sarah was wide awake and alert when we got there, ready to greet everybody! She was great during church; she fussed a little bit when she got sleepy, but I just stepped out with her for a few minutes until she was asleep and then rejoined the service for the remainder.
She wore the same dress Anna wore for her first Sunday. Here we are, ready to go:
October 18, 2010
First Outing—4 days old!
This past weekend, my brother and his family came in to meet Sarah. Saturday was a beautiful day so we decided to spend some time at the park so the bigger girls could play. Sarah pretty much sat there in her stroller and slept. :)
The photogenic Kendall, always ready with a grin:
Big sister Addie (Addie and Anna are finally getting old enough to play together some!):
October 15, 2010
Bringing home Sarah
After our two days in the hospital, we were ready to come home. I wanted a going-home outfit for Sarah, something cute but still practical. When I found this little outfit with a dog on it, that pretty much settled it. :)
Welcome to the world!
Little Sarah Brooke Felio joined our family on Tuesday at 11:44 A.M. She weighed 7 lb. 10 oz. and was 18 1/2 inches long. She came out healthy and demonstrated her good strong lungs for us right away! This experience was totally different from Anna’s birth in that (among numerous other things) I was much more aware of what was going on, so I was much happier about that. (I found out that what happened last time was the epidural went up the wrong way and made me really out of it, so I barely remember anything.) I was glad to feel like more a part of the experience this time, even though all I really did was lie there. :)
A kiss for Sarah Brooke:
Finally, I’ve got both my girls, and couldn’t be happier about it!
Anna modeling her new t-shirt, the morning before we left for the hospital:
October 11, 2010
… I’m going to have a baby.
(Of course, it’s so late that by the time most of you read this, it will be today.)
We have finally settled on her name—Sarah Brooke Felio. If everything is on time, she should be joining us around 11:30 tomorrow via scheduled c-section. I’m a little nervous because sometimes scheduled c-section babies have breathing difficulties at first, but I’m 39 weeks and it is a very small percentage at that point. I just know I’m going to want my baby in my arms as soon as possible!
Anna has been so sweet about the impending arrival of her baby sister. She talks about her all the time. She talks about sharing her toys with her, holding her, reading to her, and maybe baby sister will do this or that; when I have to put away something that is too small for Anna to wear, she says maybe baby sister can wear it, etc. She loves to feel her move, and she will often lean into my tummy and hug or kiss her, or tell her she loves her. She has also been around some other little babies recently and absolutely loves it. She knows that she lived in Mommy’s tummy when she was a little baby, and the doctor took her out and we brought her home. I really think she has some understanding of what’s about to happen. I can’t wait to see them together!
This pregnancy has been very different in that we have been so distracted by so many things. Part of that is due to having a toddler that needs our attention, part is moving and remodeling and everything that has to do with the house, and part is getting two new canine family members recently. (By the way, Sydney and Lexi are down at their former foster home for a week or so while we bring home Sarah.) With everything we’ve had going on this year, I feel like it’s only been in the past couple of weeks that I’ve really been anticipating a new baby. It helped to get her room ready and wash all her clothes and such.
But I think we’re finally ready now! I know I’m ready to be done being pregnant; it just hasn’t totally sunk in yet that we’re really going to have a little baby tomorrow. I guess when I see her, it will get pretty real, huh?
Well, I’d better try to get some sleep. Haha, right. :)
October 2, 2010
Final(?) family outing, with just the 3 of us
On Friday, we decided to squeeze in one more zoo trip before the baby comes. I guess I shouldn’t say just the 3 of us, because when I told Anna we were going to the zoo, she said that baby sister would be coming too… well, yes, technically that’s correct!
It was a beautiful day and not very crowded. Anna was such a sweetie, did great the whole time, and seemed to enjoy it. After the zoo, we went out to lunch at Moe’s—one of our favorite places and a place for which we happened to have coupons for free stuff. :)
I’m so glad to have a zoo membership because we don’t feel pressured to see everything every time. We can just stay as long as we want and then leave. I hope they do 1/2 price memberships again for next year!
A chimp kiss… isn’t it cute?
We finally used our carousel tickets that came with the membership. Anna loved it! It was her first carousel ride.