My Girls


Hide and Seek

Can you find the baby?


While rolling around on her floor the other night, Anna decided to see what was under the bed in her room!


Sasha saw an opportunity—she decided to claim Anna’s pink and white puppy for herself…


Paci Hoarder!


At the park

We’ve been trying to have a picnic or some kind of family outing every weekend this month. Today we invited some friends along—Squid & Tina and their kids, who live out of the country but are back home visiting for a little while—to the park to eat pizza and play.

It was a little cooler than I anticipated, but we bundled up:


Baby brother had to borrow one of Anna’s pink blankets, but he didn’t mind too much:

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She’s learning the important things

When I got Anna up this morning, she started looking at my screen-printed t-shirt and I pointed out the “puppy dog” on it. All of a sudden, Anna started looking down towards the floor like she was looking for Sasha! Could she understand those words? Surely it was coincidence. But when I tried it a couple more times over the next hour or so, saying “where’s the puppy dog?” she would crane her neck out and look around on the floor, eyes landing on Sasha if she was there!

So my child doesn’t know “mommy” or “daddy” or her own name, but she understands “puppy dog”! You can tell what we talk about at our house.

About all this campaign mail we’ve been getting

Anna loves it—since she likes playing with paper, it’s like getting a new toy every day. Thank you very much, Gilbert Baker and Joe White.


It’s Anna’s 7-month birthday today! I can’t believe how fast she’s growing up. When I look at pictures from a couple of months ago, I see that, even though she’s not much bigger, she’s changed a lot, including having a little more hair now! Yea!

Anna would like to write a few words:

b m 9ij

Well, I don’t know what that means, but there you have it.


anna7months1.JPG (more…)

Nana and Granddad, this one’s for you.


Note to everyone else: that would be little dogs embroidered on the jumper they got her. Great find! Thank you!

My little baby

“Little” being the key word here… she weighs 13 lb. 12 oz., somewhere around the 7th percentile. That wouldn’t be a problem, except the first half of her short life she was consistently at the 50th. Yep, little Anna has only gained 3/4 pound over the past 3 months and is well on her way to tumbling clear off the bottom of the growth charts. Dr. S. says she looks healthy and isn’t worried about her at the moment, but she’d rather not see this trend continue either.

We’ve been trying to feed Anna solids for over a month now, and the little princess is not interested. We’ve tried rice cereal, oatmeal, applesauce, and carrots so far. I can sneak a bite in her now and then when lets her guard down (and she tolerates it pretty well rather than spitting it out), but she has yet to take a bite voluntarily. She seals those little lips tight shut and turns her head away. I try to make her laugh and smile, but she has learned to smile with her mouth closed or with her tongue cleverly sealing up the entrance to her mouth. If she starts crying (keeping her mouth closed, of course), we stop, as I don’t want to traumatize her and give her a negative impression of mealtime. She’s generally happy; I give her her own spoon to play with, and she’s content to sit there dodging my spoonfuls of food for a few minutes.

So have any of you parents run into this? I don’t think I’ve talked to anyone whose almost-7-month-old wouldn’t even open her mouth to try something. I really hope this is nothing more than her just needing a few more weeks to develop in this area, and that surely any day now she’s going to change her mind!

David put together her high chair yesterday:


“Does she seem to know her name?”

This was one of the questions asked us by the nurse at Anna’s 6-month check-up today, along with other health and developmental type things. David and I looked at each other and said, “No, not really…”

I was thinking through of all the things I actually call Anna throughout the day—sweetie, sweet girl, darlin’, sweet baby, baby girl, little girl, little one, honey, precious, etc., etc.

My poor child is never going to learn her name. :-)

[Side note: I’m not worried about this, so no lectures please about how I shouldn’t be worried about this.]

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