April 11, 2012
The Gardener
This past weekend, we finally got this neglected, overgrown, who-knows-what’s-lurking-in-there corner of the yard cleaned out, edged, and mulched. It looks like a flower bed, but the ground is not prepared to plant anything in it because my intent is to use it as a container garden. If I am to have any hope of growing things successfully, I think my best shot is containers. Containers that are just steps from the back door and right next to the watering hose.
Anyway, Anna said, “I like the new garden!” Aww, thanks honey. “Now we need to plant some flowers in it. You want me to help you do that today?” Well, my eager aspiring gardener had to wait a couple of days, but on Monday, we walked (yes, walked! I love this neighborhood!) down to the hardware store to let her pick out some flower seeds. She chose marigolds. Not my favorite, but I think they aren’t too hard to grow.
Let’s hope something sprouts!
April 10, 2012
Big kid table
My effort to blog more kept me rolling for a couple of months—I blogged about 10 times in Jan/Feb—and then I blogged once in March. Hmm, what happened? Well, here’s more, finally…
Lately Anna has been wanting to eat her afternoon snack at her little table in the family room. One day I just decided to put Sarah there with her and see what happened. She took to it pretty well! I think she likes having snack with Anna at the big kid table instead of her high chair. After all, she’s just as big as Anna and can do everything she does, right? :) She has trained Anna to break up her crackers for her into little bites (even though she is perfectly capable of biting off of a cracker) and Anna willingly obliges.