A Tale of Two Parties

I had a pretty big weekend—an Irish house session on Friday night and Anna’s baby shower on Saturday.


On Friday night, some gracious friends of one of our ACMS musicians hosted a party. They invited musicians to play, dancers to dance, and many of their friends and neighbors to listen and watch. They have a great old house with plenty of room for everyone. It was a wonderful evening.

These photos were taken by Mark Wagner. You can see all 151 of them, if you choose to, here.

Judi and Cory on fiddle:


Joe and Peggy on bodhran:


Dancers from the O’Donovan School of Irish Dance:


Me, to prove I was there:



Anna’s baby shower was held at my church on Saturday. Thanks to all our friends and family who came to help celebrate, and thank you Emily, Kim, Bonny, Rae Lyn, and Tanya for putting this together!

The cake was made by a sweet lady named Susan, who generously donates her time and talent to make the baby shower cakes for our moms-to-be at church:


Me and the moms—mine on the left and David’s on the right:


Me and my little helper, who always made sure I had just the right present to open next:


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