Cool Ride


Thanks, cousin Addie, for the loan of the car. And the sunglasses. Oh, and the outfit.

Menu Plan Monday 6/8/09

Monday: Chicken strips, baked sweet potatoes, green beans

Tuesday: Beef enchiladas, Mexican rice, green salad

Wednesday: same

Thursday: Macaroni & cheese, green beans, carrots

Friday: out

Saturday: same as Thurs.

Sunday: same

Visit Menu Plan Monday for more ideas!

Wide Open Spaces


The Rescue: the Sequel

As I mentioned in my first story about the great dog rescue adventure, we were unable to get one of the five dogs that Saturday. He is very skittish around people (thereby earning himself the name Mr. Skittish in our blog posts). So picking up where I left off last… between Jennifer M. and us, we checked the lake on Saturday night and twice on Sunday with no sign of Mr. Skittish, but some folks camping there said they had seen him, so we weren’t giving up yet.

On Monday night, David and I were on our way to celebrate our anniversary but stopped by the lake first, just in case he was there (after a difficult decision of what to wear that is appropriate for both catching filthy dogs and having a nice dinner at Ruby Tuesday). And he was! But that’s not all… he had teamed up with a new pack! There was a momma dog and three puppies with him. And, let me tell you, they were CUTE!!! All 5 dogs were very hungry. The momma and puppies were very sweet and loveable; in fact, after she had had enough to eat, the momma was a bit of an attention hog. We set up the crate to try to catch Mr. Skittish, but we were unsuccessful. When we left, David talked to Donna (with All About Labs, who took the first batch) about the new additions to see what could be done about them. Between Donna and her friend Judy, who runs a rescue in Malvern, they had places for them!

Tuesday we didn’t see them, but we theorized that maybe they wander around and re-appear at that spot around 7 PM, since they had been seen at that time twice. So Wednesday night, the three of us showed up around 7, and they were there. (more…)

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