Breaking the blog silence

I didn’t blog much this fall. I want to blog more. Yeah, I’m always saying that. But maybe this time I’ll actually do it.

Honestly, it’s been a little stressful lately. We’re still trying to settle in with the new baby. Say what? She’s 15 months old? I can’t use that excuse any more? Oh.

I’m trying to stick with this routine I came up with. Laugh if you want to. But so far it’s going ok this week. And during the girls’ naptime is “quiet work” time for me—basically anything that can be done in the recliner with a cup of chai. Yes, I check Facebook and Pinterest, but it’s also time to do things like plan, research, read, organize files, look up recipes, clean out e-mail, catch up on blogs I read, go through photos, and BLOG.

I have an initial goal to blog at least once a week, even if it’s pretty frivolous and I think I have nothing to say. Gotta start somewhere. Maybe I’ll be up to twice a week soon. I LOVE these babies of mine and I want to do better about recording who they are and what they’re up to!



  1. Mom
    January 7th, 2012 | 10:14 AM

    Glad to see you back.

  2. April 10th, 2012 | 10:13 AM

    […] effort to blog more kept me rolling for a couple of months—I blogged about 10 times in Jan/Feb—and then I blogged […]

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