4 months old today

There’s nothing sweeter than a newborn baby. Except perhaps a 4-month-old baby.

Really, I think babies get a lot more fun at this age. Newborns are sooooo tiny and fragile and make you go “awwww” at their tininess and fragility, but honestly, they can be fussy little critters and really don’t have that much to do with you. Sarah is such a doll now. She smiles, talks, and loves to play little games and sing songs and read books, and watches everything around her.

Do any of you parents have this problem: your baby is smiling and cooing and has all the charm turned on, then you point a camera at her, and you suddenly get that deer-in-the-headlights look? Sarah seems to smile when someone is interacting with her and making eye contact. So it takes multiple people to get a picture of her smiling–one to hold the camera, and one or more to engage her and make her smile!

So some of these were shot solo, but they are still cute I think, and some were with help. We have Nana and Granddad here from Colorado to help celebrate her “birthday” this month!


  1. mom/nana
    February 13th, 2011 | 10:22 AM

    Beautiful subjects + talented photographer + ‘pretty good’ equipment = fabulous pictures! so much fun.

  2. Mae
    February 25th, 2011 | 9:19 PM

    SO. CUTE.

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