10 Months

Today is Sarah’s 10-month birthday! The year is flying by! She will be 1 before we know it. She is crawling everywhere, pulling up on her knees, and building up her immunity for the upcoming cold/flu season by putting everything in her mouth. She eats lots of “big girl” food and likes most of what we offer her. She weighed 17 pounds a couple of weeks ago. She’s growing out of the 9-month clothes and into the 12-month.

I didn’t get a lot of great pics today; I wasn’t with her for a large part of the day, and then when I was, she was sporting her “serious” look most of the time. But here’s what I got:



  1. Mae
    August 12th, 2011 | 11:06 PM

    gosh what beautiful eyes!! :) Love!

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