
Eleven months have gone by, already… Sarah won’t be a baby much longer! She already thinks she’s a big girl. She crawls like a champ, pulls up, and “cruises” a bit. She’s always on the go! And she loves to eat. I don’t know how, but she eats easily as much as Anna does. (And faster too.) We mostly just give her whatever we’re having, and she likes just about everything. She shows her little sense of humor sometimes; she thinks it’s hilarious when she tries to put her paci in our mouths and when we say “baaa” like a sheep, among other things. She loves to explore closets, cabinets, her diaper bag… anything that has stuff she can pull out. And she’s better at pulling out than at putting away.

David was taking some time off today, so we went down to The Wonder Place again. So her 11-month pics are all from there. She was tired and she was pretty absorbed in what she was doing, so not a lot of smiles this time. But she did great, and she took a 3-hour nap when she got home!



  1. mom/nana
    September 14th, 2011 | 3:58 PM

    so looking forward to seeing her next month. She really looks focused on her ‘work’

  2. Laurie
    September 18th, 2011 | 4:05 AM

    OH my word! That one picture where she is looking up from the bottom of the slide looks just like David!

  3. reigna
    September 25th, 2011 | 1:49 AM

    She looks cute and so adorable. Looks like she’s enjoying everything she do.

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