Anna is 4!

Look who turned four today! We had a big, full day. David took off work and we went to The Wonder Place and then Chick-fil-A for lunch, two of her favorite places! That pretty much wore both girls out, so naps were in order as soon as we got home. After nap, we went to The Ride to get a bike helmet for Anna, then we came home and presented her with a new (to her, anyway; it was a hand-down from a friend!) bicycle. David helped her try it out, and before long, she had really gotten the hang of it! When Sarah gets older, we’ll have to get the whole family outfitted and start biking as a family. After a spin on the bike, Nana and Granddad (who had just arrived from Colorado for the birthday weekend) took her out to dinner.

Here are some pics from the day:



  1. March 24th, 2012 | 9:31 AM

    Yay! Happy birthday, Anna!! :)

  2. April 23rd, 2012 | 12:17 AM

    Am kelvin am happy with your gift for my brother my email [contact info edited out]. Anna and sarah they so cute hi for them.

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