Well, hello there, again

Wow, it’s already the start of another year. Last year, I made it a goal to read at least 24 books. I did. I also made it a goal to blog at least once a week. I didn’t. Maybe I’m only able to handle one resolution per year? So hopefully this year, I can keep up the reading AND add some blogging (and maybe even go back and blog about things that happened that I should have written about but didn’t).

I either need to blog or scrapbook. And being the type of person that feels anxious and overwhelmed upon entering Hobby Lobby rather than giddy and excited, blogging is probably the better option.

Hmm, so what’ll it be? The beach trip, playing in the snow, the school Christmas program, playing with the cousins? Or how much Anna has grown and learned and changed, or how much Sarah has grown and learned and changed, or how much I wish I could un-muddle the thoughts in my head and write or do something that actually makes sense?

But not tonight. Time for bed. Let’s see what the next few days bring…




  1. Mom
    January 2nd, 2013 | 9:25 AM

    Please start writing. We are interested in everything you have to say.

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