Sappy Stuff

I was nursing Anna at the computer, like I often do, and popped in the new Steven Curtis Chapman CD that JoAnne got us. The first song, “Miracle of the Moment”, is one of those songs that K-LOVE plays probably a little too much, but I’ve never really paid attention to the words. I guess I’m a visual learner—stuff doesn’t really sink in until I see it. So I was listening and reading along with the words that came in the CD, and I thought, “This is actually a pretty cool song…”

It’s time for letting go
Of all of our if only’s…

… this is the only moment
We can do anything about

So breathe it in and breathe it out
Listen to your heartbeat
There’s a wonder in the here and now
It’s right there in front of you
And I don’t want you to miss
The miracle of the moment

Sweet, huh? Anyway…

While we’ve had a wonderful time with Anna, I’ve also had some “if only’s” about her birth and our first few weeks together. So as the first line of the song was still sinking in, the chorus started playing; right at that moment Anna suddenly stopped nursing, looked up at me, and with excitement in her eyes, smiled the biggest smile I’ve ever seen! I wish I had a picture because I can’t come close to describing it—it kind of looked like she was laughing her head off except there was no sound, just the expression. We just stayed there a few minutes, smiling at each other, me talking to her and her cooing back.

It really sealed the meaning of the song for me and became my own little miracle moment I won’t forget. I think this might be my new favorite song.


  1. Jana Perciful
    June 17th, 2008 | 4:29 PM

    That’s beautiful, Jennifer!

  2. June 17th, 2008 | 6:53 PM

    That’s sweet… sooo true, these moments are fleeting so fast all we can do is soak them up!

  3. June 20th, 2008 | 8:11 PM

    […] by our wonderful Jenny pics and my recent sappy moment, I’ve finally landed on a title and new look for my blog. (Thank you, David, for getting it […]

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