Splish, splash, I was takin’ a bath…

I think Anna is learning how to splash in the bathtub—on purpose! Up until now, she has just wiggled around and made a splash or two at random. But last night, she pulled her little legs toward her like a froggy and then came down with a big splash. I laughed. She looked at me, then slowly raised her legs again… splash! I laughed. She smiled. Then she did it again… splash!…I laughed again, and she let out a little mini-giggle.

It’s so much fun to see those little wheels turning in her brain and see her learn something new, even if it is just splashing mommy in the bathtub. I know that one day it won’t be quite as cute and I will get very wet and possibly a little annoyed, but right now it’s adorable!


  1. July 29th, 2008 | 1:53 PM

    awesome! i love how they light up with life and all the newness of it!

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