First Food

We started Anna on her first solid (if that’s what you call it) food this evening. Here she is trying her rice cereal. I knew she would end up wearing more of it than she swallowed, but I wanted to get it on video anyway:

So, baby food. Life’s about to get really messy. And Sasha’s about to be very happy.


  1. September 12th, 2008 | 10:26 PM

    Ahhh… how sweet:) Piper ALWAYS wears more than she eats. They really should make baby handcuffs, don’t ya think?
    We had our little dog Theo when Andrew and Parker were babies and he loved to have clean up duty:)

  2. nana
    September 13th, 2008 | 12:00 AM

    maybe putting some on that cute foot would get it in her mouth!

  3. September 13th, 2008 | 8:14 AM

    Yeah, you and David had the same idea!

  4. martha
    September 14th, 2008 | 7:46 PM

    Ditto the foot! She doesn’t look too sure about this new process, but I’d bet she gets the hang of it pretty quickly!

  5. September 21st, 2008 | 2:59 PM

    so cute!!

    she was so ready, wasn’t she?! look at those little “helpin’ hands”! we used to give ours a little baby spoon (not like the long ones we used for actually feeding them ourselves, but we had one that was short and rounded and stubby) and that way they could get used to holding a utensil and really felt like they were helping feed themselves. and then we’d sneak the actual food into their mouths when they weren’t paying attention. opportunists, if you will! i know, i’m sorry. you probably would like to have a comment just once from me that’s not unsolicited advice. please forgive.

    and absolutely about sasha! chikezie has gotten so fat. i’m having to really watch it! i watched thebaby-est eyeing me while systematically pushing his dinner into the floor for chikezie the other day. good grief!

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