“What kind of Coke do you want?” “Sprite.”

I’ve learned from observation and encounters with various people throughout my life that those fizzy sugary drinks we all love have very different names around the country. In the South, everything is “Coke.” It doesn’t matter what the actual drink is; it’s all Coke. Our Midwestern neighbors call it “Pop,” and those New Englanders up there prefer “Soda.” But did you know someone actually researched this? This map is several years old, and the number of respondents seems small to accurately reflect the population, but it’s funny how it still confirms casual observation!


On a totally unrelated note, look at how big some of those counties are in some of the western states! They’re huge!


  1. wendy
    October 8th, 2008 | 12:29 PM

    Since Sprite is just about the only fizzy-type drink we let our girls have, they now call all of those drinks, “sprite”. When we’ve let them have caffeine-free coke, they ask for “black sprite”.

  2. Wendy
    October 8th, 2008 | 9:59 PM

    You’ve been tagged! Go read my blog to see what you’re supposed to do!

  3. October 9th, 2008 | 9:05 PM

    SO funny:) I remember going to California when I was a little girl and asking for a coke and I was so sad when they really gave me a COKE… I SO wanted a Sprite.

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