Ridin’ like a big girl

Anna and I went to Target today, and I decided that an almost-8-month-old was old enough to not be hauled everywhere in her baby carrier. I’ve hesitated to put her in the seat part of the cart because she still can’t sit up on her own for more than a few seconds. But I have one of those shopping cart seat covers that has a strap on it, so I thought I’d give it a try.

I got her settled and strapped in, and there she was—this teeny little thing about the size of a 4-month-old, engulfed by this huge fabric seat cover, looking up at me very seriously and wondering what was going on. She looked so big and so little at the same time. I wish I had a picture. Maybe next time.

She did fine, by the way; she didn’t flop around too much. This is going to make shopping a lot easier. That is, until she figures out how to drop her toys over the edge of the cart.


  1. November 19th, 2008 | 7:03 PM

    What a big, little girl:)!
    It will make life a lot easier for me when Piper is sitting up because I’m so short, I can’t see over the top of her car seat when it’s in the shopping cart:).

  2. November 19th, 2008 | 7:52 PM

    I know what you mean… I can barely see over the seat at Wal-Mart, and not at all at Kroger. I’m always bumping into things and peering around the side of the cart looking for obstacles!

  3. wendy
    November 20th, 2008 | 1:33 PM

    It’ll be nice until she can walk and then wants DOWN!

    I had to tell my nearly 5 year old that the seat was only for BABIES! She still asks to get in it, though.

  4. Jana
    November 20th, 2008 | 4:45 PM

    Just wait until she starts throwing your groceries out! Logan reaches back into the cart & grabs things to throw on the floor. I usually catch him in the act, but occasionally get home & wonder where’s the _____. I know I put it in the cart, but… oh well. :)

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