More reflections on Wal-Mart and food in general

I saw in the news a couple of days ago that Wal-Mart is going to roll back prices on some groceries. Great! Or so I thought. When I looked at what the rollbacks were actually for, I was rather disappointed—things like Pepsi, DiGiorno pizzas, Pringles, Doritos, etc. Just in time for the Superbowl.

Not that I’ve never partaken of the aforementioned delicacies on occasion, but how about also rolling back prices on things like fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, juices, milk, cheese, and fresh lean meats? You know, actual food? Stuff that doesn’t come out of a box or a can? Just another example of how Americans are encouraged to choose overly-processed, fat-and-sodium-laden convenience foods over healthier alternatives.

(Writing this should ensure that next time you run into me at Wal-Mart I’ll get caught with a bag of chips in my cart.)


  1. January 31st, 2008 | 11:28 PM

    Preach it!!!

  2. martha kiley
    February 1st, 2008 | 1:04 AM

    1000 calories:
    average cost if buying junk food=$1.79
    average cost if buying fresh fruit, vegetables, fish or lean meat, whole grain bread=$20.00

    does anyone else have a problem with this?

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