Starting to think like a mom?

Today I made some spinach dip for a get-together tomorrow night. As I finished, I got out a pretty crystal bowl to put it in. Then the thought came to my mind, “There’s gonna be little kids there, running around and getting into the food.” So I put the crystal bowl back and reached for a cheaper Pyrex glass bowl. Then I thought again, “There’s gonna be little kids there, running around and getting into the food.” I put the glass bowl back, reached in the bottom cabinet, and grabbed an ugly utilitarian plastic storage container.

Sigh… so long for a while, crystal.


  1. February 1st, 2008 | 8:53 PM

    Hehehehe:) You’ll be a great mom, I can already tell!

  2. martha kiley
    February 2nd, 2008 | 1:02 AM

    NO NO NO!!! Teach your daughter to have respect for special things, fragile or not. A couple of accidents WILL happen, but remember when something breaks, it’s only a THING. Anna is much more important than things, and you have the incredible opportunity to raise her to appreciate beauty in all its forms. She’s probably going to pull Sasha’s tail at some point—are you going to put Sasha away for the next few years? I see far too many children these days who have no respect for other people’s possessions, or boundaries. PLEASE, let Anna know about limits and rules, and I’ll bet you can use your crystal without fear!

  3. February 2nd, 2008 | 9:32 AM

    I agree—I’m a believer in “house-proofing the kid” rather than “kid-proofing the house.” But I’ve also seen what happens when you get a bunch of little ones together—the kids go nuts at the excitement, and the parents are enjoying conversation amongst themselves and not really paying attention… so the crystal bowl stays in the cabinet this time!

  4. Wendy
    February 2nd, 2008 | 8:26 PM

    There’s definitely a fine line between teaching your kids to respect people’s things and letting them destroy precious possessions. I removed most of my things just b/c you’ll get tired of saying “no” and running, out-of-breath, to catch something as it falls. Find some of your things that are nice, but not your most fragile, valued possessions. Teach her not to touch those, but when the inevitable happens, you’ll be able to say, “that’s ok honey” rather than screaming “NOOOOOOO!! Not my great-grandmother’s vase!”

  5. February 4th, 2008 | 10:54 AM

    Jennifer that Cracks me up!!! I hope they didn’t break your plastic bowls, ugly or not we love those things at our house! And spinach dip sounds GOOD!!!!

  6. February 7th, 2008 | 7:13 AM

    it just comes naturally doesn’t it?!

    you’re ALREADY the best mama in the world for anna!

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