Sasha—more unfortunate news

Well, after having a few weeks where we could breathe a little easier, thinking perhaps we had beaten the cancer, it’s back. David found a small tumor on Sasha’s side, which is most surely another osteosarcoma, and the vet found two more on the back of her tongue, most surely the melanoma returning. The lab reports will have to confirm this, but there’s really no reason to think it’s anything else. Crap. Still no sign of a bone tumor anywhere, so we don’t know where the osteosarcoma is coming from. And the melanoma really threw us; we thought the vaccine had taken care of that.

Sasha still appears healthy and happy and full of life; she’s certainly not the old, sick dog most people envision when they think of a dog battling cancer. I think maybe that makes it even harder to deal with. Well, I don’t really know. It would be hard no matter what.

She’s finally overcoming her fear of cameras a little bit and allowing us to get a good shot now and then.



  1. December 29th, 2008 | 11:30 AM

    hey jennifer…this is wendy’s sister-in-law, robin. i’ve been keeping up with sasha (via your blog, obviously) & i’m so sorry that she’s had a setback. i’ve been rooting for her, that the treatments would work…and, i will continue to do so. my husband & i have a 4 year old beagle, maisy, & we are VERY close to her & would NEVER want anything to happen to her…so, i have to believe i understand a little bit about how you’re feeling right now. even though all they do is sleep, eat & go outside, dogs provide a type of comfort & happiness that only dog owners understand & life wouldn’t be the same without them around. anyway, i’ll be thinking about you guys in the coming days & hope sasha’s doctors can determine the best course of action for her! keep us updated!

  2. January 1st, 2009 | 6:44 PM

    […] and 5 surgeries to remove 7 tumors. As it stands now, we are waiting for verification that the 3 tumors removed the day after Christmas were in fact 2 melanoma and 1 osteosarcoma. We have an appointment on Monday to get Sasha’s […]

  3. January 1st, 2009 | 9:30 PM

    Thanks, Robin–it’s so encouraging when I find out about people who are rooting for Sasha whom I don’t even know! Thanks for your sweet comment. Oh, and that’s a cute beagle baby you’ve got!

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