The eleventh hour…

… er, month, that is… Anna is eleven months old today! But it also seems like the “eleventh hour” in that the deadline for soaking up every moment of her sweet baby year is all too quickly approaching. I can’t believe she’ll be one year old in one short month. My baby is disappearing before my very eyes and is being replaced by a little girl!

Anna is quite active right now; consequently, David and I are too. It’s incredible the things she tries to get into, some successfully, as the rest of you parents know. She loves taking things out of things, like pulling stuff out of her diaper bag, pulling laundry out of the laundry basket, pulling her books off of her bookshelf, etc. She’s really cute with her books; she’ll sit there surrounded by the little pile she’s made and just flip through them and look at them for a few minutes. She likes music and will smile and rock back and forth excitedly when she hears it. She’s cruising everywhere now, just crawling when there isn’t something to hold onto to get from point A to point B. And she’s finally eating some solids now; she likes bananas (as a whole chunk she hold and eat), yogurt, cheese, peaches, applesauce, and most any kind of bread/crackers/cereal. Oh, and taco meat. She is definitely my child.







  1. February 24th, 2009 | 7:25 AM

    Ahhh… that is just SO sweet:)
    Piper loves to hear music, too. She’s quite the dancer;)

  2. Diana
    February 24th, 2009 | 10:45 AM

    What big smiles!!! Does she have any teeth yet? I don’t see any little baby pearls.

  3. February 24th, 2009 | 12:33 PM

    Yes, she has one tooth—the lower right one. It’s just barely cut through.

    I was so glad to capture her smiles this time! A lot of times she starts looking all serious when I point the camera at her.

  4. February 24th, 2009 | 1:40 PM

    love these pics! especially that last one–happy baby, proud mama.

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