Library Time!

Did you know the Faulkner County Library has a program for babies under 2? I didn’t. I just found out on Saturday, and I took Anna there this morning for her first story time! She was certainly attentive; she just sat in my lap with a wide-eyed expressionless face, staring nonstop at everything going on, probably wondering what in the world her crazy mommy had brought her to. But towards the end, she finally cracked a smile. I feel certain she’ll warm up to it if we go every week.

Afterwards I let her play alongside the other toddlers in the little kitchen play area there. I tried to get Anna interested in the pots and pans, but as soon as she discovered that she could push the chairs around, that’s all she wanted to do. (She rearranges the furniture in our kitchen pretty regularly these days!)

We’re definitely going back. It’s on Mondays at 10, if you have a wee one and want to come along. The library website actually says it’s on “Monday’s”—jeez, they ought to know better! But then, they also have it listed under their “teens” tab rather than their “kids” tab, which may explain why I’ve never heard of it.


  1. March 11th, 2009 | 3:39 PM

    YES… we have to shop at the Conway Walgreen’s SO you best back off the sale items:)

  2. August 20th, 2012 | 10:14 PM

    […] time designed specifically for babies and toddlers with lots of motion songs, rhymes, props, etc. I started taking Anna when she was about 11 months old, and it became a weekly thing until she was 3 (by which time we […]

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