
Ok, it seems like everybody has posted about their quirks but me, so here you go:

1. I don’t like chocolate. I’m not allergic to it, I just don’t like it. It tastes yucky to me for some reason. And yes, I try some every now and then just to see if I’ve grown out of it. I haven’t. The only exception to this is those packaged ice-cream sandwiches from the grocery store, because I don’t think the cookie part really tastes like chocolate.

2. I’m weird about my fingertips. I’d much rather have blood drawn out of a vein in my arm than have my finger pricked. In fact, when I have the baby, I’m kind of dreading that clippy thing they put on your finger in the hospital.

3. I have to re-tie my running shoes several times to make sure they’re the exact same tightness on each foot. If they’re not, it really bugs me.

4. I’m pregnant and I’m freezing. Aren’t pregnant women supposed to be hot all the time? I’ve always been cold-natured, and pregnancy doesn’t seem to have changed that one bit.

5. I like to do laundry. I hear people talk about laundry piling up and how overwhelming it is, but I don’t seem to have this “laundry problem” that’s plaguing the rest of the nation. (I know it will be harder with a baby, but I still don’t see myself getting buried in it.) I find laundry to be one of the easier household chores—they make these machines that do it for you! Doing laundry gives me a sense of accomplishment without my having done any real work.

6. I just can’t jump on the flip-flop bandwagon. Cheap plastic flip-flops are for the beach or the pool or around the house. I just can’t wear them out in public—they’re not real shoes. I can wear sandals without a back on them, but they need to be made out of leather, or some material other than plastic, and come in a shoe box.


  1. February 23rd, 2008 | 7:37 PM

    Ohhh… laundry, the ole’ dreaded laundry. You have a point.. such little work but ugghhh I hate when it finishes drying then the folding, hanging and putting up begin:(

  2. Wendy
    February 23rd, 2008 | 10:26 PM

    My problem with laundry is that it NEVER ends! Yes, you can take a day and get everything washed, dried, folded, and put away. But then the very NEXT day, there it is again! MORE laundry!

    I think that’s my problem with cleaning in general. You can clean something, and feel good that it’s clean, but then it gets dirty again and you have to do it all over.

  3. February 26th, 2008 | 12:08 PM

    “and come out of a shoe box”! too funny!
    i hate flip-flops – can’t stand the thing between my toes.

    i don’t have a fingertip issue and i don’t like the thing they stick on your finger in the hospital (sorry to not help you on this one.)

    laundry never bothered me either until i had 4 munchkins that get grosser than i could’ve ever imagined. i never have a clean laundry room floor. never. even doing 2 loads every day. good grief.

    the hot and cold thing varied with each pregnancy and even with the time of day for me.

    i think my oldest son may be related to you on the tied just right shoes!

    and chocolate, woman?! really?! oh my!

  4. October 10th, 2008 | 5:07 PM

    […] this once though!] I’ve already listed some stuff about myself on my About Me page and my Quirks post, so I’ll try to come up with 7 new […]

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