June 22, 2009
Menu Plan Monday 6-22-09
Monday: Brisket (leftover in freezer), baked potatoes
Tuesday: Beef tacos, Mexican rice, fruit salad
Wednesday: same
Thursday: Broiled marinated chicken, brown rice, carrots
Friday: same
Saturday: Pot roast w/ carrots and potatoes, French bread
Sunday: same
Well, there you have it. Check out hundreds more menus on Menu Plan Monday. (Hey, it looks like I get to be #300. How ’bout that.)
A recipe for Mexican rice,please? The one I used to make had onion, tomato sauce & canned corn, but I’ve lost it along the way somewhere.
No problem–I’ll e-mail it to you. I would love to post it here, but it’s Cook’s Illustrated, and I try not to post too many of their recipes since they charge for their website.