At the Park

David is off today, so he got to go to the park with us this morning. (We usually go to story time at the library, but they take the month of August off, so we’re going to the park instead.) Look how big she’s getting!







  1. August 10th, 2009 | 4:07 PM

    In the past few weeks, she’s started climbing UP the slide in the nursery. VERY adeptly. She’s quite proud of herself too! :)

  2. August 10th, 2009 | 5:03 PM

    That’s awesome! She does the exact same thing on the big slide at the park. Of course, she needs a little assistance there. So, if she is making other kids mad with her slide hogging in the nursery, know that I am not exactly discouraging the behavior at the park. Sorry. :-)

  3. August 10th, 2009 | 6:12 PM

    she’s turning into a little girl! what happened to the baby you guys just had? =)

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