Why I can’t seem to get out of the house before 11 A.M.

Have I mentioned that I’m not a morning person? I’m amazed at people who can accomplish a list of 100 things before lunchtime. Anyway, whenever I decide to run errands, for some reason, I can’t seem to get out of the house before about 11:00.

For instance, today (after the “morning routine” of getting myself and Anna up, dressed, fed, bed made, bathroom picked up, etc…. you know, the stuff that takes twice as long as it should), I decided to go to Target, since I needed to buy a gift for a family that is registered there. Ahhh, Target. There are usually some good deals to be had there. Since I’m going anyway, I might as well pull up the frugal-freak blogs I read and see what goodies I can snag for next to nothing this week.

Going through the lists, I find the potential to get some Aveeno baby stuff for 50 cents. That’s a good deal! I need to print coupons off the Aveeno site and Target coupons. I go to the Aveeno site and try to log in. Doesn’t take it. Maybe I don’t have an account there after all. I sign up. E-mail address is already taken. Ok, so I do have an account… use the “forgot password” link. Open e-mail, get new password, go back to Aveeno site, log in, try to print coupon. It tells me I need to turn off pop-up blocker. Do that. Can’t find a way to go back to the coupon page. Close window and open site again, then print 2 coupons. Go to link for Target coupons and print 2.

At this point I should mention that my computer, bless its little processing heart, is very old and slow. So, things that take most people about 3 seconds take me about 30-60. That doesn’t sound like much, but over the course of a day it really adds up to a lot of wasted time. (I’m getting a new computer today, by the way!)

Coupons printed, I announce to David (who is working from home) that we’re off to Target. What about Quaker stuff, he asks? Oh yeah, I can get a good deal on that too if I can come up with enough coupons. I go get my coupon file. Sunday’s coupons are still sitting in a pile on the kitchen table, so I file those. Find some Quaker coupons, but need more in order to get the deal. Look up Target deals again, go to coupon site, select coupon, and try to print. Tells me I need to have Java enabled. Java is enabled. No telling what the problem is. David says to send him the link and he will print it. He does. He closes window because I forgot to tell him to print 2. He does it again, and fortunately it prints.

But wait… the registry list, which is the whole reason I was going in the first place! Pull up registry list on Target site and print. (Later, leave list lying on counter and have to print in-store anyway.)

Almost ready! But first, make Anna pick up some of the multitude of items she has strewn about while I’ve been doing all this, put shoes on her, get a sippy cup of milk for her bag, load up… and we’re off.

11:15 A.M. Sigh.

I got a cute gift, some Quaker granola bars for 74 cents a box, and some Aveeno baby wash for 50 cents a bottle. It’s worth it, right?

I know, I know, a little advance planning would help all this. I intend for Sunday afternoon to be my planning time, but I seem to have more planning to do than time. Especially when I take a long nap instead. :)


  1. August 27th, 2009 | 3:50 PM

    that is a very accurate description of what our days look like too. it makes me nuts when i forget passwords. just nuts! we’re not morning people to, that is one reason i’m loving homeschooling. we do school from 10-noon, perfect for me!

    congrats on the bargains!

  2. August 27th, 2009 | 3:51 PM

    ummm, i meant to say we’re not morning people either.

  3. deb/mom
    August 27th, 2009 | 10:13 PM

    It’s not all old age after all!

  4. September 2nd, 2009 | 1:27 PM

    I love those Sunday afternoon naps. :)

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