Random Ramblings

Well, I finally ran out of things to do, so I have a new diversion—jigsaw puzzles. I’ll just keep working jigsaw puzzles until Anna gets here. Unless, of course, my nesting instinct ever kicks in and I feel like scrubbing every nook and cranny of the house. But right now, that doesn’t sound like fun. And I’d rather do something fun.

We went out to Marketplace for dinner tonight, which we had planned to do; it turns out it fell on a good night because the torrential rains brought an infestation of ants into my kitchen. Ugh! I put out some ant baits, which usually take care of the problem in about 24 hours or so. The hard part is just letting the ants crawl around and not killing them. (So I guess I’ll have to take a break from puzzles and clean my kitchen in a day or two.)

Does anyone actually have a yard right now? I think we used to have one, but now we have a pond. This is going to be such a mess this spring. And something tells me we won’t have a lot of time to put into spring gardening. On the positive side, there shouldn’t be a water shortage this year.

David’s been getting all the pregnancy cravings. Now he’s craving bread pudding. (Perhaps the recent Irish holiday put it in his mind?) So we got the stuff to make it. Maybe if the ants go away tomorrow, we’ll have a tasty dessert for after dinner!

I went to Rhea Lana’s consignment sale and got Anna a few cute things. David and I both went on Friday night with my mom-to-be pass, and it was nuts. I had no idea there was a line to get in the store! It moved quickly, but it was still kind of crazy inside. I went back yesterday for the half-price sale. I’ve decided that in the future I’ll just wait until half-price day. It’s less crowded, you get much better deals, and I actually find more stuff if there’s less to sort through. So what if a lot of good stuff is already gone; I’ll never know what I’m missing! (I saw a couple of outfits with dogs, but they were marked way too high to begin with and they were not half price. Phooey.)


  1. Wendy
    March 19th, 2008 | 10:07 PM

    I’m with you on the half-price sale. At consignment sales up here (all 3 I’ve done), there are still PLENTY of like-new items left on half-price day. At Duck Duck Goose in Little Rock, you’ll be lucky to find anything above Salvation Army quality on half-price. But the Rhea Lana’s sale usually does have good half price items. Once Anna gets old enough to need equipment, like an exersaucer or similar, you might want to shop for those on the first day. I got some of my best deals on baby equipment as opposed to clothes.

  2. March 19th, 2008 | 10:16 PM

    i remember playing computer games constantly with all the waiting for my first child. i never really nested either (not like you hear about).

    have you checked your site meter stats lately? i bet they’re through the roof with all of us on baby watch!!

  3. March 20th, 2008 | 8:10 AM

    have you ever done a sudoku puzzle? shane got us some from the dollar tree. they are pretty fun, but some people don’t like them. anyway, if puzzles get old it might be fun!

  4. March 20th, 2008 | 8:57 AM

    Anna—I like sudokus; I have a book packed for the hospital just in case I need a diversion, provided my brain still works. But one or two at a time is enough for me. (However, they wouldn’t tie up the entire kitchen table, would they?)

    Wendy—you’re right; all the exersaucers were GONE by the time we left Friday night, and the public sale hadn’t even started yet!

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