Oh my—we’re 9 days old!

Time with Mom:


Reading a book with Daddy—so much to learn!


Trying out the sling—she’s really in there somewhere:


Growing big is such hard work!



  1. April 2nd, 2008 | 4:41 PM

    I canNOT wait to see that little cutie pie. If I wasn’t allready about to have one in a few weeks, she would be SURE to give me baby fever. How can she be so stinkin’ cute?!?! She’s gorgeous! I bet you kiss that sweet face a million times a day!

  2. April 2nd, 2008 | 5:18 PM

    So don’t wait! Give us a call sometime and come see her.

    You’re right—I’m in her face all the time!

  3. April 2nd, 2008 | 6:27 PM

    She looks so sweet and content:) Let me know how you guys like that little thing she sleeps on…. I’ve thought about getting one.

  4. Wendy
    April 2nd, 2008 | 10:14 PM

    Jennifer, you look great! You’re skinny already. Well, you were skinny to begin with, but still, you look awesome! I wish I looked like that and my “baby” is 4 years old!

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