I’ve been tagged…

…twice actually, by Wendy and Shannon, or thrice (isn’t that a great word?) if you count Megan’s “I’ll tag whomever wants to play along.” [Update: add Casie to that too. I’m only doing this once though!] I’ve already listed some stuff about myself on my About Me page and my Quirks post, so I’ll try to come up with 7 new things.

1. I’m so lucky—I have a baby that doesn’t get up until about 9 in the morning, and I love it!

2. I’ve actually never had a drink of alcohol (not counting food with alcohol in it). I’m not opposed to it or anything, I just don’t see a reason to get into it. I like iced tea. And chai latte. And Coke (real Coke, that is.) So why drink?

3. I’ve worn my hair pretty much the same way since… well… always. It’s been shorter and longer, all one length and slightly layered, but I’ve never made a major change (unless you count the short-lived ’80s perm in the 8th grade).

4. I usually wear flavored kiddie lip gloss instead of real grown-up lipstick.

5. In late elementary/junior high school, while everyone else was watching whatever was cool at the time, I was faithfully watching “Brady Bunch” and “Little House on the Prairie” reruns every afternoon.

6. My parents were born on the exact same day. When I was little I thought it was normal for your parents to have the same birthday. I would ask my friends, “When is your parents’ birthday?” and they would say, “My mom’s or my dad’s?” and that confused me.

7. Despite intentions to the contrary, I exercise on a “2 weeks on, 2 months off” kind of schedule. And you know, I’ve stayed about the same size throughout my adulthood (excluding pregnancy of course). So I guess it works for me. Maybe I should write a book—I might be on to something here!

And I’m going to do the Megan bail-out: I tag anyone who wants to give it a shot.

“What kind of Coke do you want?” “Sprite.”

I’ve learned from observation and encounters with various people throughout my life that those fizzy sugary drinks we all love have very different names around the country. In the South, everything is “Coke.” It doesn’t matter what the actual drink is; it’s all Coke. Our Midwestern neighbors call it “Pop,” and those New Englanders up there prefer “Soda.” But did you know someone actually researched this? This map is several years old, and the number of respondents seems small to accurately reflect the population, but it’s funny how it still confirms casual observation!


On a totally unrelated note, look at how big some of those counties are in some of the western states! They’re huge!

What I was doing last night

Mama went out partying last night! I didn’t get home until after midnight! What kind of trouble did I get myself into, you ask? Some wild stuff, I tell ya—the traditional Irish band Legacy out of Jackson, MS was performing for the Little Rock Folk Club last night, followed by a huge session and 50th birthday party for Judi Warner, one of our Arkansas Celtic Music Society fiddlers. I think almost the entire ACMS made it to hear the concert and celebrate with Judi. She had it catered, so we had some good food and birthday cake to keep us going. The session was probably made up of about 20 musicians I’d guess, including the band. I did more listening/visiting/eating than I did playing, as I’ve gotten quite out of practice lately and can’t quite keep up (or pretend to) as well as I used to. But it was still a lot of fun! I left about a quarter to midnight, but I don’t know how long it lasted. (Martha, do you know?) These things can go way into the wee small hours sometimes, long after all my energy is spent.

David was such a sweetie to stay home with Anna so I could go—thanks, David!

Here is a short clip from the final set of the concert. That’s Tim Britton (special guest) on uillean pipes, Valerie Plested on fiddle, and Don Penzien on guitar.

Sasha, a little less drama, if you don’t mind

You may recall that Sasha was diagnosed with malignant melanoma and has been receiving treatment for it. We have just finished up that treatment with no signs that the melanoma has spread, which is great news.

However, just as we were coming out of that with high hopes, we’ve had another cancer scare with her involving a second type of cancer. David wrote about it on his blog, and he did a much better job than I would, so please go there to read the whole story.

We love this dog so much, and I just want to put all this behind us and not have to worry about anything. That may never happen with a cancer victim, but the good news is she seems to be ok for the time being, and we can breathe a little easier for right now.

The best toy yet

Paper! Oh what a wonderful noise it makes!


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